Some recent events in my life which triggered thoughts about Natural Language Processing (NLP) in my mind. Let’s see some of these events before we talk about advancements in NLP: 

Recent breakthroughs in NLP have ushered in a new era of language understanding and translation, creating a more inclusive and connected world. It can successfully solve for all of the above situations. Let’s understand some of the advancements in NLP for Gen AI: 

  1. Pre-trained Language Models

One of the key advancements in NLP is the development of pre-trained language models like GPT-3.5. These models have been trained on vast amounts of text from multiple languages, allowing them to understand and generate human-like text in various tongues. Gen AI can now leverage these models to comprehend and converse in different languages, making language barriers virtually non-existent. 

  1. Zero-Shot Translation

Zero-shot translation is a remarkable feature made possible by advancements in NLP. It enables a language model to translate between language pairs that it hasn’t been explicitly trained on. Instead of having to train separate models for every language combination, a single model can now handle multilingual translation tasks with surprising accuracy and efficiency. Gen AI can now effortlessly communicate with people from diverse linguistic backgrounds without the need for an intermediary translator. 

  1. Contextual Understanding

Understanding context is vital in any language. NLP models have traditionally struggled with this aspect, often leading to misinterpretation and confusion. However, with the advent of contextual embeddings and transformers, Gen AI can now grasp the nuances of language and produce contextually accurate responses. This enables smoother conversations, regardless of the linguistic complexities involved. 

  1. Multimodal NLP

Language is not solely about text; it is also intricately linked with visual and auditory elements. Multimodal NLP integrates information from various sources, such as images, audio, and text, to develop a comprehensive understanding of the context. This breakthrough technology empowers Gen AI to communicate effectively using not only words but also images and sounds, transcending language barriers like never before. 

  1. Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Gen AI will continuously evolve as it interacts with users across different linguistic environments. NLP models now possess the ability to adapt and learn from new language patterns, dialects, and cultural nuances, enhancing their language understanding capabilities over time. This adaptability will make Gen AI’s language proficiency even more accurate and culturally sensitive as it matures. 

As NLP continues to advance, Gen AI is set to become an invaluable tool for fostering inclusivity and accessibility. The ability to comprehend and respond to multiple languages will pave the way for a more connected and globalized world. Gen AI’s capabilities extend across various fields, from education and healthcare to customer service and diplomacy, promising a transformative impact on our daily lives. 

In the pharmaceutical industry, it is essential for professionals to keep themselves informed about current regulations and best practices in managing drug safety signals. This is vital to safeguarding the well-being of patients and meeting regulatory requirements. As technology and data continue to advance, pharmacovigilance is becoming increasingly intricate and advanced. It is wise to allocate resources towards implementing strong systems and procedures to remain ahead in this evolving landscape. 

A signal is a piece of information or data collected from various sources that reveals something new about a drug intervention, a drug-related event, or a previously known event. This information can indicate a potential connection between the drug and the event, whether it is negative or positive. It is important to understand that a signal does not prove a direct cause-and-effect relationship between a side effect and a medicine. Instead, it serves as a hypothesis that requires further evaluation based on data and reasoning. 

These signals can suggest previously unknown side effects of a drug or indicate that the risks of the drug outweigh its benefits. Safety signals can originate from various sources, such as reports from patients and healthcare providers, clinical studies, and post-marketing surveillance. It is essential to identify and closely monitor these signals to ensure the safety and effectiveness of drugs. 

In the modern era of digital technology, a tremendous volume of data is gathered daily. This data can be analysed to uncover fresh insights and knowledge that aid in making well-informed decisions. The healthcare sector is no stranger to this phenomenon. With the emergence of electronic health records and other digital health technologies, researchers now have access to extensive patient data. One area where this “big data” approach holds great promise is drug safety monitoring. In this article, we will explore how big data can be utilized to identify signals related to drug safety and the potential advantages it offers for ensuring patient well-being. 



Signal Management 

Effective signal management is critical for the safety of patients throughout the product lifecycle. It involves a systematic approach to identifying, evaluating, and responding to signals of potential safety concerns, including adverse events and other safety data. By following these sub-steps, stakeholders can ensure that signals are properly identified, evaluated, and acted upon in a timely manner. The concept of drug safety signal is not new. It has always been the cornerstone of pharmacovigilance. As the number of approved drugs and the prevalence of individuals taking multiple prescription medications continue to rise, there has been a corresponding increase in the reporting of adverse events. However, here are a few things to consider regarding adverse events and signals: 

Data Collection 

Data or information concerning any intervention involving a drug that may have a cause-and-effect relationship requiring further examination is gathered. This data can come from various sources, such as requested reports, unsolicited reports, contracts, and regulatory authorities. In recent times, statistical methods have been developed to analyse this extensive amount of data. These methods, known as data mining techniques, are preferred over traditional methods to ensure early detection of signals from large and complex data sources. 

Signal Detection

When a drug is created, it is intended to have a specific effect on a particular part of the body. However, drugs can also affect other parts of the body. These effects can be helpful or unwanted. For example, antihistamines like cetirizine can provide relief for cold or allergy symptoms but may also cause drowsiness. Medications can have both desired effects and undesired effects, which are called adverse drug reactions. Adverse drug reactions can happen from taking a single dose of a drug or using it for a long time, or when multiple drugs are taken together. On the other hand, adverse events are unexpected medical events that occur in patients who have taken a medication, but these events may or may not be directly caused by the medication. 

According to the definition by WHO-UMC, a safety signal is information about a potential side effect of a medicine, whether it is already known or newly discovered. This information is usually based on multiple reports of suspected side effects. It is important to understand that a signal does not prove a direct cause-effect relationship between a side effect and a medicine. Instead, it serves as a hypothesis that requires further investigation based on available data and arguments. Signals can bring new insights or confirm existing associations between a medicine and an adverse effect. As more data is gathered, the information in a signal may change. To evaluate the relationship between a medicine and a side effect, a causality assessment is conducted. 

Signal Validation and Classification

During signal validation, the data supporting a detected signal is carefully examined to confirm the presence of a new potential cause-and-effect relationship or a new aspect of an existing relationship. Once this evaluation is done, the signal can be categorized as validated, refuted, and closed, or monitored. Various factors are considered to determine the validity of a signal, such as the strength of the signal, the timing of events, the presence of risk factors, the source of data, the relationship between the dose and the signal, the consistency of reported cases, and the connection between the reaction and the medication on a pharmacological or biological level. 

Strength of the Signal 

In most cases, there is a clear connection between the occurrence of the adverse reaction (including the first signs or symptoms) and the administration of the suspected medication. 

Some clinically relevant cases have shown positive outcomes when the medication is temporarily stopped (de-challenge) or resumed (re-challenge) with appropriate time intervals. These cases increase the likelihood of a relationship between the adverse event and the drug. 

A substantial number of cases that do not have information on de-challenge or re-challenge outcomes do not present any risk factors such as concurrent conditions, other medications, medical history, or demographics. This further supports the possibility that the event is due to the administered drug. 

The signal is identified by examining significant findings from reported cases, both solicited and spontaneous, as well as from scientific and medical literature. Similar findings are also observed in the literature for drugs belonging to the same category. 

The reported cases consistently demonstrate a connection between the dosage of the medication and the observed effects. These cases also display a consistent pattern of symptoms, supported by multiple sources of evidence. There is a clear cause-and-effect relationship between the adverse reaction and the administration of the suspected medication, considering its pharmacological, biological, or pharmacokinetic effects. The reported signs, symptoms, diagnoses, and tests conducted align with recognized medical definitions and practices. 

In all the above scenarios, the signal is considered valid. 

Clinical Relevance of the Signal

To respond effectively, it is important to grasp the clinical significance of signals. Knowing the potential risks linked to medication use can contribute to patient safety and better health outcomes.  

Signals hold clinical relevance when they involve life-threatening conditions, necessitate hospitalization and medical interventions, have a significant number of reported deaths or disabilities unrelated to the treated disease or existing health conditions, affect vulnerable groups or individuals with pre-existing risk factors, exhibit patterns related to drug interactions or specific usage patterns, and influence the balance between the risks and benefits of the suspected medication. 

Once a signal is confirmed as valid, it undergoes additional monitoring and investigation to determine its exact relationship with the medication that was administered. This process is called causality assessment or signal evaluation. Meanwhile, if the event is serious, it may be reported promptly while waiting for the results of the causality assessment. 

If the analysed information does not support a validated signal, it is considered closed or refuted. This can happen if it was a false alarm, there is insufficient evidence to continue monitoring, the signal is no longer relevant due to discontinuation of the drug or lack of evidence of a genuine safety concern, or further monitoring is necessary to ensure ongoing safety. 

Classifying drug safety signals as closed, refuted, or validated is an important task in identifying potential negative events associated with medications. Several methods, including machine learning algorithms, have been suggested to automate this process, but their accuracy is still being evaluated. Standardized approaches are needed to enhance the classification of drug safety signals. 

Causality Assessment

Causality assessment is the process of examining the connection between a signal and the drug that was given. The Naranjo scale, a commonly used tool in pharmacovigilance, helps assess causality by considering factors like the timing of events, the dosage of the drug, information about stopping and restarting the drug, and other explanations for the observed effects. 

Risk Management

During the process of causality assessment, if a link between the signal and the drug is confirmed, regulatory agencies carefully evaluate the situation to decide if additional measures are required. These measures can involve updating the information and labelling of the product, withdrawing the drug from the market if necessary, and planning studies to ensure safety across diverse groups of people. Risk management plans are crucial to prevent future incidents by identifying potential risks, creating protocols to respond to safety signals, and regularly reviewing and updating the plan.  

The main objective of managing drug safety signals is to protect patients from harm and ensure that safe and effective drugs are accessible to the public. 

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer across various industries. The pharmaceutical sector, too, has embraced this revolutionary technology to enhance its business operations and drive innovation. With the market for AI in pharma projected to experience exponential growth in the coming years, organizations need to understand the profound impact AI can have on their industry. In this blog, we will delve into the top four use cases of AI in the pharmaceutical sector, highlighting the benefits it offers to companies operating in this domain.

Use Case 1: AI in Drug Discovery

One of the most significant ways AI is transforming the pharmaceutical industry is through its impact on the drug discovery process. By leveraging advanced algorithms and biochemistry knowledge, AI is revolutionizing the way new drugs are discovered. Here are some key benefits of using AI in drug discovery:

Unbiased Approach: AI models adopt an objective and unbiased approach to drug discovery by not relying on predetermined targets. This allows for a more comprehensive exploration of potential drug candidates.

Time and Resource Savings: AI enables virtual drug screening, drastically reducing the time and resources required for identifying promising drug candidates. This efficiency can accelerate the entire drug discovery process.

Personalized Treatment Options: AI-powered computer vision models can accurately analyze patient reports, assisting physicians in creating personalized treatment options. This capability has the potential to significantly improve patient care and outcomes.

Case Study: AstraZeneca, a leading pharmaceutical company, has successfully utilized AI and Machine Learning (ML) to elevate its drug discovery process. By streamlining the identification of potential drug targets and optimizing the development process, AstraZeneca has harnessed the power of AI to drive innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.

Use Case 2: Computer Vision for Drug Manufacturing

AI-based computer vision systems have found extensive applications in drug manufacturing, particularly in quality assurance and error prevention. The advantages of employing AI in this context include:

Efficient Quality Control: Computer vision-enabled systems can swiftly and accurately examine drugs on conveyor belts, promptly detecting any defects or anomalies in shape, color, and packaging. This capability ensures that only high-quality products reach the market.

Contamination Prevention: By reducing human touchpoints in the manufacturing process, AI minimizes the risk of contaminations, thus enhancing product safety. Pharmaceutical companies can rely on AI to maintain stringent quality standards.

Case Study: DevisionX has developed an AI-powered computer vision system capable of detecting defective medicines on conveyor belts. By ensuring high-quality production, this technology significantly contributes to improving drug manufacturing processes.

Use Case 3: Predictive Forecasting

AI plays a pivotal role in predicting pandemics, seasonal illnesses, and other healthcare trends. In the pharmaceutical industry, accurate predictive forecasting enables companies to optimize their supply chains, resulting in improved operational efficiency. Here are some key benefits of using AI in predictive forecasting:

Improved Supply Chain Planning: AI-powered predictive models help pharmaceutical companies prepare for demand fluctuations and match supply with demand effectively. By accurately forecasting future requirements, companies can streamline their operations and avoid shortages or excess inventory.

Case Study: Emory University and Google have employed AI to predict sepsis outbreaks. This proactive approach allows healthcare providers to allocate resources more efficiently, ultimately leading to improved patient care.

Use Case 4: AI in Clinical Trials for Drugs

AI has brought significant advancements to clinical trials, revolutionizing various stages of the process. The contributions of AI in this domain include:

Candidate Recruitment: By analyzing historical records, diseases, and demographic data, AI can identify suitable candidates for drug trials, enhancing trial efficiency and reducing recruitment challenges.

Trial Design: AI leverages vast amounts of data from previous trials to extract meaningful insights, aiding in the design of effective clinical trials. This data-driven approach increases the chances of successful outcomes.

Trial Monitoring: By combining AI with IoT-enabled wearable devices, real-time monitoring of patients during treatment becomes possible. This provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of treatments, allowing for timely adjustments if necessary.

Now, let’s explore how leading pharmaceutical companies are leveraging AI to drive innovation and generate increased Return on Investment (RoI).


Johnson & Johnson: Pioneering AI in Pharma

Johnson & Johnson (J&J), a prominent pharmaceutical company, has been at the forefront of AI implementation since 2015. The collaboration between J&J and IBM’s Watson Health has allowed J&J to harness the power of AI for processing vast amounts of healthcare data and providing evidence-based responses in natural language to professionals.

a. Robotic Surgery: J&J established Verb Surgical, a joint venture with Google Verily, to develop AI and Machine Learning (ML)-powered surgical robots. These robots are designed for performing minimally invasive medical surgeries, revolutionizing surgical procedures.

b. AI in Drug Discovery & Development: J&J capitalizes on AI to remain competitive in drug discovery, design, and development. By combining their expertise with intelligent AI strategies, J&J actively works towards creating new drugs, treatments, and surgical methods. Precision medicine is a focus area for J&J, aiming to provide personalized healthcare services based on patients’ genetic profiles, leading to improved patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.

c. AI for Diagnosing Diseases & Drugs: J&J explores the application of AI in diagnosing diseases and predicting drug responses. By utilizing platforms such as WinterLight Labs, J&J can monitor neuropsychological details to detect and understand Alzheimer’s disease. WinterLight’s AI platform analyzes speech-based data, facilitating the automatic analysis of Alzheimer’s.

Bayer AG: Harnessing AI in Cardiovascular and Oncology Drug Discovery

Bayer AG, a global pharmaceutical company, has embarked on a collaboration with Exscientia, a leading AI-driven drug discovery company. This partnership focuses on utilizing AI to accelerate the discovery of small molecule drugs targeting cardiovascular disease and oncology.

a. AI-powered Drug Discovery: Exscientia’s Centaur Chemist™ platform, powered by AI algorithms, plays a pivotal role in automating and optimizing the design of novel drug candidates. By combining evolutionary computing and deep learning techniques, the platform enhances productivity and efficiency in the drug discovery process.

b. Targeted Projects: Under the collaboration agreement, Bayer and Exscientia are working on specific projects with predetermined targets in cardiovascular and oncology therapeutics. AI enables the precise identification of suitable drug targets and lead structures, expediting the drug discovery timeline.

c. Potential Benefits: The collaboration aims to achieve project milestones earlier, reducing the time and resources required for identifying and optimizing potential drug candidates. This improvement in efficiency leads to overall productivity enhancement.

d. Financial Agreement: As part of the agreement, Exscientia may receive up to €240 million, including upfront and research payments, milestones, and potential sales royalties. Bayer’s commitment to this financial agreement demonstrates their recognition of the value and potential impact of AI-driven drug discovery.

e. Advancing Digital Transformation: Bayer’s collaboration with Exscientia highlights their commitment to digital transformation in research and development. By leveraging the power of AI, Bayer aims to simplify and accelerate the drug discovery process, ultimately improving patient outcomes and addressing critical healthcare needs.

Roche Holding AG: Embracing AI Investment

Roche Holding AG, one of the largest global pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies, has actively leveraged AI technology to enhance its drug development operations. The acquisition of Flatiron Health in 2018 strengthened Roche’s capabilities in maintaining vast amounts of oncology data, leading to more accurate diagnoses and treatment plans through machine learning systems.

Additionally, Roche collaborated with IBM and Sensyne Health for predictive analytics projects related to diabetic retinopathy and chronic kidney diseases, respectively. These partnerships demonstrate Roche’s commitment to harnessing AI’s potential in predicting disease outcomes and enhancing clinical trials.

Pfizer: Harnessing AI for Advanced Healthcare Solutions

Pfizer, one of the largest multinational drug development organizations in the United States, has partnered with IBM to accelerate the adoption of AI technology. Leveraging IBM Watson, a cloud-based platform, Pfizer utilizes vast amounts of medical data to enhance early cancer detection and discover innovative therapies.

By harnessing the power of AI, Pfizer aims to revolutionize healthcare through:

Advanced Data Analysis: Pfizer utilizes AI algorithms to analyze millions of medical data points, including patient records, diagnostic images, and genomic information. Processing this wealth of data enables the identification of patterns and indicators contributing to early cancer detection. This facilitates timely interventions and the development of targeted treatment strategies.

Novel Therapy Discovery: AI-driven analysis helps Pfizer identify potential breakthrough therapies for various cancers. By mining extensive medical data, Pfizer aims to uncover new treatment targets and innovative approaches to combat the disease. This accelerates the development of novel therapies that have the potential to improve patient outcomes and prolong lives.

In conclusion, the pharmaceutical industry is witnessing the transformative power of AI across various domains. From drug discovery and manufacturing to predictive forecasting and clinical trials, AI is revolutionizing the way pharmaceutical companies operate. Leading companies like Johnson & Johnson, Bayer AG, Roche Holding AG, and Pfizer are actively leveraging AI to drive innovation, enhance research and development processes, and ultimately improve patient outcomes. By embracing AI, these companies are at the forefront of the industry, bringing cutting-edge solutions to the healthcare landscape.

Experience the transformative power of AI in the pharmaceutical industry with Navikenz. Partner with us to unlock the full potential of your data, accelerate innovation, and transform patient care. Join us in shaping the future of medicine with AI-driven excellence.

Engaging users in meaningful conversations is the cornerstone of effective communication, whether it’s between humans or humans and artificial intelligence. With the rise of AI technology, we find ourselves at the forefront of an exciting revolution in human-computer interactions. One of the key challenges in this realm is developing emotional intelligence within AI systems. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intriguing world of AI Language Models and explore how they are paving the way for empathetic AI conversations.

Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence lies at the heart of our ability to connect and empathize with others. It encompasses perceiving, understanding, and responding to human emotions effectively. Until recently, AI systems lacked the capacity to grasp the nuances of emotions, limiting their ability to engage in truly empathetic conversations. However, with advancements in machine learning and natural language processing, we are witnessing exciting progress in the integration of emotional intelligence into AI models.

In a world where AI and human interaction merge, I found myself immersed in a captivating conversation with AI chatbots. I was intrigued by their capabilities to generate responses that seemed almost human-like. But there was something missing. The conversation felt a bit… robotic. It lacked that emotional connection that makes a conversation truly meaningful. That got me thinking: What if AI chatbots could understand emotions and respond with empathy? Wouldn’t that be a game-changer? So, I did some digging and discovered that emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in making AI conversations more engaging and empathetic.

Imagine this scenario: You’re having a tough day, and you decide to chat with an AI chatbot for some support. Instead of receiving generic, emotionless responses, the chatbot recognizes your emotional cues and responds with understanding and compassion. It’s like having a virtual friend who listens and empathizes with you. That’s the power of emotional intelligence in AI chatbots.

Now, you might be wondering how exactly these AI systems are improving their emotional intelligence. Well, let me spill the beans. The developers behind these chatbots, like our very own ChatGPT, have been working tirelessly to enhance their capabilities in understanding emotions within conversations.

  1. Contextual Understanding

First off, ChatGPT now has a better grasp of the emotional context of conversations. It can identify emotional cues in your messages and respond accordingly. So, if you’re feeling sad, it won’t just provide generic answers but will offer words of comfort and support.

  1. Sentiment Analysis

But that’s not all! OpenAI has integrated sentiment analysis algorithms into ChatGPT. What does that mean? It means the chatbot can analyze the emotional tone of your input. So, if you’re expressing frustration or happiness, ChatGPT can adapt its response to match your emotions. It’s like having a conversation with a friend who understands your feelings.

  1. Adaptive Learning

OpenAI has also implemented adaptive learning techniques for ChatGPT. This means that the chatbot learns from user feedback and continuously improves its responses. So, the more you interact with ChatGPT, the better it becomes at understanding and responding to your emotions. It’s like having a virtual companion that grows with you.

 But why does all this matter? Well, empathetic AI conversations have numerous benefits for us, the users.

Just think about it: When you engage in a conversation with an AI chatbot that truly understands your emotions, your experience becomes so much better.

  1. Improved User Experience

Imagine feeling heard, understood, and supported by a chatbot. It creates a positive and engaging user experience, making you more likely to seek assistance from the chatbot in the future. That’s how trust is built between humans and AI.

  1. Enhanced Mental Well-being

Moreover, empathetic AI conversations can even have a positive impact on our mental well-being. In times when we feel down or anxious, having an AI chatbot that offers empathetic support can provide us with comfort and reassurance. It’s like having a friend who’s always there for you, no matter the time of day.

  1. Effective Customer Service

Empathetic AI Conversations can revolutionize customer service interactions. AI chatbots with emotional intelligence can understand customer frustrations, address their concerns empathetically, and provide appropriate solutions. This can lead to improved customer satisfaction, increased loyalty, and more positive brand experiences.

  1. Ethical Decision-making:

 AI systems integrated with empathy can contribute to more ethical decision-making processes. By considering the emotional impact of decisions on individuals, empathetic AI can help avoid biased or insensitive choices. This can be particularly relevant in sensitive domains such as healthcare, where empathetic AI can assist in decision-making while considering patients’ emotional well-being.

Now let’s discuss the implications for the future of AI in healthcare

According to recent research published in JAMA Internal Medicine, there has been an intriguing development in the field of artificial intelligence (AI): AI language models now have the ability to engage in empathetic conversations. In this study, researchers compared the AI chatbot assistant, referred to as ChatGPT, with physicians on a social media forum. They evaluated the quality of responses and the level of empathy conveyed by both parties.

Surprisingly, the evaluations revealed that in 78.6% of cases, the chatbot’s responses were preferred over those of the physicians. Not only were the chatbot’s responses rated higher in terms of quality, but they were also perceived as more empathetic. The chatbot demonstrated an impressive capacity to provide detailed information while adopting a compassionate approach to patient inquiries.

The implications of integrating AI chatbot assistants into healthcare settings are noteworthy. By leveraging these chatbots, it could potentially alleviate physicians’ workload and reduce burnout. The chatbots could draft responses for physicians to review, ensuring accuracy and saving valuable time. This collaborative approach has the potential to enhance patient satisfaction and improve overall healthcare experiences.

In conclusion, the study suggests that AI chatbot assistants hold great promise in enhancing patient care. By offering both quality information and empathy, these chatbots can support healthcare professionals and contribute to improved patient outcomes. Embracing AI technology in the expanding realm of virtual healthcare has the potential to revolutionize the delivery of care on a global scale.

Recognizing the Limitations

As we celebrate the advancements in AI language models and their journey towards developing emotional intelligence, it is important to acknowledge their limitations. While AI systems have made remarkable progress in understanding and responding to human emotions, they cannot fully replicate the depth and complexity of human emotional intelligence. These models, based on algorithms and data, aim to simulate empathy and understanding. However, they lack genuine emotions and personal experiences that are inherent to human beings. As a result, while they can provide support, guidance, and engage in empathetic conversations to a certain extent, they fall short in fully comprehending the intricacies of human emotions.

It is crucial to recognize that AI is a tool, designed to assist and augment human experiences, but it cannot replace the value of genuine human connection and emotional support. The nuances, understanding, and personal touch of human empathy remain irreplaceable.

While the development of AI language models towards emotional intelligence is impressive, it is important not to rely solely on these systems for emotional support or substitute meaningful human interactions. The richness of human emotional intelligence and the depth of personal connections cannot be replicated by AI. By embracing a balanced perspective, we can leverage the power of AI to enhance our interactions while acknowledging the inherent limitations. Let us continue to explore the potential of empathetic AI, engage in meaningful discussions, and foster a future where human empathy and technological advancements coexist, creating a world that values both our humanity and the advancements brought by AI.

The Promising Future of Empathetic AI Conversations

The future of empathetic AI conversations is promising as technology advances. AI chatbots like ChatGPT can adapt to our unique emotional needs, revolutionizing how we interact with AI. As an AI/ML consulting company, we can help you implement empathetic AI chatbots to enhance customer support and satisfaction. Let’s embrace the potential of empathetic AI conversations and transform your customer interactions. Get in touch with us today.

Retail therapy is one of the best mood enhancers for me. Two of my favorite brands to shop from are Zara and Marks & Spencer. The assisted shopping experience I get in these stores is very good. While I try to search for a particular size or color of a garment, a Zara sales store manager would check on his phone if it is available in his store or any other store in the city, and if they can courier it to me if not available in their store. As a consumer, I find this to be a great experience. However, shopping behavior has permanently changed over the years, especially in the post-COVID era. As the world grapples with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, consumer behavior has shifted drastically from offline to online channels. Traditional retailers are now faced with the challenge of meeting evolving customer expectations in this rapidly changing landscape. As per a Mckinsey report on tech transformation in retail, in Germany alone, online sales experienced a staggering annual growth rate of 23.0 percent from 2019 to 2020, while offline sales only saw a modest increase of 3.6 percent each year. Retailers need to set a North Star to guide their aspirations for customer experience. In-person store engagement has shifted to online engagement, and that’s where Conversational AI is the new perfect shopping assistant. So, what is conversational AI?

Conversational AI refers to the use of artificial intelligence-powered virtual assistants, chatbots, and voice assistants to facilitate natural language interactions with customers. These intelligent systems are capable of understanding and responding to customer queries, providing personalized recommendations, and even processing transactions, all in a conversational manner. Now that we know what conversational AI is, let’s try to understand why it has become a nearly perfect shopping assistant.

24/7 Accessible

In the new digital world, geography is no longer a limitation for retailers. Retailers need to have the ability to field customer queries across time zones 24/7 and act upon the queries instantly. That’s where Conversational AI chatbots come into play. These online shopping bots are around-the-clock self-service tools, allowing customers to reach out to retailers and resolve their queries anytime and anywhere. Chatbots for the retail industry enable a smooth conversational flow during the customer journey all the time, without having to wait for an agent to respond or be restricted by “working hours.” Retail chatbots are not only capable of serving 24/7 but are also significantly cheaper than onboarding more agents with rotational shifts.

Time & Money Saver

Implementing a conversational AI chatbot can quickly help with common tasks such as ticket labeling, routing, and answering frequently asked questions. Automating ticket routing can be especially helpful in avoiding delays for support teams. With the help of AI, companies can train models to label and route customer inquiries based on past data, freeing up valuable time for agents to focus on higher-level customer issues. If the customer support query is complex or beyond the scope of the retail chatbot, there is a seamless process to hand off the query to a live agent based on their skill sets and current workload. This enables a smooth, hassle-free customer experience for the support teams in the retail industry.

When support teams are equipped with effective AI tools, they feel empowered to provide better customer service, resulting in high levels of customer satisfaction and a positive customer experience. Additionally, this creates a positive work environment for support agents who feel supported and valued in their day-to-day activities.

Improves In-Store Experience

Conversational AI can automate in-store operations and reduce a substantial amount of operational expenses in retail stores. It can help sales personnel assist customers in the store, reduce queues through contactless payment methods, replenish stock by real-time stock monitoring, and overall improve the in-store experience for customers.

Personalized Customer Experience & Making Informed Business Decisions Based on Data

Conversational AI is also capable of detecting the mood, intent, and interest of your customers throughout the purchase journey. Some global retail brands have even introduced a facial recognition system for this function installed at checkout lanes. If a customer is annoyed, a store representative will immediately talk to him or her. Retail chatbots also leverage the intent prediction feature to understand customers’ tone, context, and behavior. It helps retailers build stronger relationships with customers by providing personalized assistance throughout the conversational flow. With AI, retailers can also predict customer choices by analyzing various data points such as demographics, location, social media comments, and reviews. This personalized approach to retail shopping can help increase both online and offline sales and improve the overall customer experience.

Kmart Australia, for example, has developed an AI-powered digital assistant called Kbot that integrates with the augmented reality (AR) functionality on its website. It lets customers interact with products such as furniture and see what they will look like in their homes. Once they have found a product they’re interested in, they can use voice to ask questions about the product, such as where it’s in stock and when it can be delivered.

Also, with all the data being collected around customers, businesses can gain insights into customer needs and identify areas of improvement, which further helps in supporting businesses to make informed decisions.

Now, let’s move to how retail businesses are leveraging Conversational AI.

Companies leverage conversational AI in retail in several ways to enhance customer experiences and drive business growth. Here are some common ways companies utilize conversational AI:

We recognize the profound impact conversational AI is having on the retail landscape and stand ready to assist retailers in harnessing the power of conversational AI, enabling them to thrive in a dynamic and customer-centric market.

Ready to enhance your retail business with Conversational AI? Contact us now to explore how our AI-powered solutions can revolutionize your customer experience and drive business growth. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to thrive in the dynamic and customer-centric market. Get in touch with us today!

Language models have been leading the way in advancing natural language processing, allowing for the comprehension and generation of text that closely resembles human language. However, recent progress has broadened their ability to also handle structured data. In this blog post, we will delve into the ways in which language models can be utilized to process and analyse structured data, presenting intriguing opportunities for various practical applications.

Structured data encompasses organized information presented in a predetermined format, such as spreadsheets, databases, or tables. It consists of distinct fields, records, and connections between various entities. In contrast to unstructured data, which comprises free-form text, structured data possesses a predefined schema, enabling straightforward interpretation and analysis using conventional approaches. Applying a language model to structured data necessitates comprehending both the data itself and its underlying schema.

An enduring challenge in the Data & AI field has been for business users to acquire understandable information in a readily comprehensible format from structured data. The initial hurdle lies in structuring the data according to a business domain schema, which is the primary step in transforming data into valuable insights. Subsequently, defining relationships and granularity becomes crucial to ensure that all potential queries are accommodated within the domain models. Unfortunately, this process has historically constrained the freedom of business users to query the data according to their needs, regardless of how the underlying business model was constructed.

The greatest advantage for business users in employing Large Language Models (LLMs) is the unrestricted ability to compose queries. To showcase this potential, we have developed a demonstration utilizing a basic table. Our confidence in the applicability of LLMs extends beyond this example, as we envision their utilization in other domains such as data validation and quality assessment. Through LLM-driven insights, business users can also gain access to validation adherence, further enhancing their decision-making capabilities.

The utilization of a relational database for LLM model consumption can be outlined through the following steps:

  1. Identify the pertinent data tables: Determine the tables within the existing relational database that hold the data required for LLM analysis.
  2. Extract the data: Retrieve the data from the identified tables by executing SQL queries.
  3. Perform LLM analysis: Utilize a supported Open AI library for LLM analysis to examine the data obtained from the selected table, identifying patterns and relationships.

Driven by our unwavering commitment to continuous innovation, we have developed a demonstration showcasing the effectiveness of LLM models in handling structured data. This breakthrough offers exciting possibilities for business users to directly interact with structured data, freeing them from the limitations imposed by pre-determined business models based on query patterns. It empowers users to explore the data directly and leverage its potential without being bound by predefined constraints.

Given below is a structured table containing comprehensive employee information.

Here are a few examples of responses generated using LLM models:

In conclusion, LLMs provide a means for natural interaction with structured data. Rather than relying on conventional query languages, we can engage with data directly through conversational means. This simplifies the process of interaction and promotes data democratization. LLMs also contribute to the identification of data patterns and anomalies, facilitating exploratory data analysis. Ultimately, LLMs enhance the accessibility and interactivity with data, bridging the gap between users and the wealth of information contained within the data.

Use Cases of AI in the BFSI Segment:

  1. Customer Engagement – With Automated Targeted Marketing, AI can analyze vast amounts of customer data to identify the most promising leads and eliminate unnecessary spending on ineffective campaigns. It enables highly targeted campaigns with hyper-personalization. Additionally, AI can utilize Sentiment Analysis to gather customer feedback and reviews from various sources, including social media and online forums, to understand their experience and make necessary changes to improve customer satisfaction. One of China’s largest insurers has used AI to enhance their customer experience by developing an AI-powered chatbot that handles customer queries and provides personalized recommendations based on their financial data.
  2. Credit Risk Assessment – AI can be employed to analyze customer data, including credit history, income, employment, and demographic information, to predict the likelihood of default. This helps banks make better-informed decisions on loan approvals and appropriate interest rates. Furthermore, AI can monitor changes in the credit risk of customers over time by analyzing transaction history, payment behavior, and other factors. This aids banks in identifying potential default risks and taking appropriate actions to mitigate them.
  3. Cybersecurity & Fraud Detection – Every day, a huge number of digital transactions take place as users pay bills, withdraw money, deposit checks, and engage in various activities via apps or online accounts. Thus, there is an increasing need for the banking sector to enhance its cybersecurity and fraud detection efforts. This is where artificial intelligence in banking comes into play. AI can help banks improve the security of online finance, identify loopholes in their systems, and minimize risks. AI, along with machine learning, can easily identify fraudulent activities and alert customers as well as banks.
  4. Document Processing – There is a vast amount of paperwork involved in BFSI operations, such as loan applications, insurance claims, and account opening documents. Manual processing of these documents can be time-consuming and error-prone, resulting in delays, errors, and customer dissatisfaction. For this specific use case, we have a ready solution called ‘NaviCADE‘ that can assist with:
    1. Data Extraction – AI-powered optical character recognition (OCR) can extract data from documents such as forms, contracts, and invoices. This significantly reduces the time and effort required for manual data entry while improving accuracy.
    2. Document Classification – AI algorithms can be trained to classify documents based on their types, such as loan applications, insurance claims, or account opening forms. This streamlines document processing workflows and improves efficiency.
    3. Language Translation – In a globalized world, BFSI companies often deal with customers and documents in multiple languages. AI-powered language translation can accurately and quickly translate documents, reducing the time and cost involved in manual translation.
    4. Document Summarization – AI-powered document summarization can extract key information from lengthy documents, such as contracts or policies, saving a lot of critical time and energy spent in decision-making processes.

Experience the transformative power of AI in the BFSI sector and unlock new possibilities for customer engagement, risk assessment, cybersecurity, and document processing. Contact us to explore the potential of AI in your organization and drive unprecedented growth and efficiency.

“We are generating 140 data elements per second across the two-wheeler segment where our battery is being used. How can we monetize this data?” This is what one of the clients mentioned in a discussion, which further led us to brainstorm the concept of ‘Data as a Service’ (DaaS). Until now, people have mostly heard about Software as a Service (SaaS). If we compare DaaS to SaaS, it works in a similar manner. Just as SaaS eliminates the need for software installation on devices and provides users with access to digital solutions over the network, DaaS also transfers most storage, integration, and processing operations to the cloud.

DaaS is essentially a data management strategy that utilizes the cloud to provide storage, integration, processing, and/or analytics services over a network connection. Data as a Service manages the stream of information and makes it accessible to all departments, anytime and anywhere. DaaS providers, like other “as a service” offerings, deliver data-centric insights through the cloud in a safe and cost-effective manner.

So, how does DaaS differ from Data as a Product (DaaP)?

During my research, I came across a post by Justin Gage (@itunpredictable) on Medium that explains the difference between DaaS and DaaP in the most simplistic fashion:

DaaP vs DaaP

In the DaaP model, the company’s data is treated as a product, and the flow of data is unidirectional, from the data team to the company. In the Data as a Product model, the data team’s role is to deliver the data that the company requires for various purposes, such as making decisions, creating personalized products, or identifying fraud. It’s as simple as that.

In a DaaS model, the focus of the data team is on answering questions rather than providing tools for others to solve their own issues. The data team collaborates with stakeholder groups to address specific problems using data under the Data as a Service model.

When should a business consider DaaS?

The data market is continuously expanding, with new methods of obtaining data in various forms through growing connectivity tools such as mobile phones, IoT sensors, and more. These technologies provide new types of data and innovative methods for analysis. Some applications where DaaS can come in handy include:

  1. Analyzing company growth: With DaaS, you have access to global external data, including market and competitor’s data. You can compare your company’s performance with market trends and see how competitors are faring in similar market conditions.

  2. Monetizing big data: As the volume of big data increases, one of the biggest challenges for companies is turning this vast amount of data into actual revenue. Bringing data into your company is just the beginning; you need a plan to utilize the data acquired from your consumers to generate better brand experiences and achieve a return on the investment made in these robust systems.

  3. Building a data marketplace: Users can buy and sell data on these platforms, bringing various types of data together, including demographic data from business intelligence platforms and consumer data from customer relationship management (CRM) systems. For data scientists, the ability to instantly buy and sell data is a valuable asset.

  4. Improving customer experience: DaaS can assist businesses in creating personalized customer experiences by utilizing predictive analytics to better understand customers, identify trends, serve them better, and increase loyalty.

Final Remarks:

DaaS is well-positioned to deliver the features that today’s data-driven businesses desire, demand, or even require without their awareness. Despite being a relatively new solution, getting started with DaaS is easier than you may think. Please reach out to us for a deeper conversation about this topic.

Let’s start from point zero –

What is a Machine Learning (ML) model?

In simple terms, an ML model is nothing but a mathematical engine of AI that has a voracious appetite for data to help find patterns and make predictions faster than humans can. The quality of data you feed it will determine the quality and accuracy of predictions it makes.

What is ML modernization?

ML modernization is all about upgrading your existing ML models to make them more efficient and effective. It involves using the latest technologies and techniques to improve the accuracy and speed of your ML models.

The need for ML modernization:

When you shop for a car or a phone, you always think about the latest models to buy. Why so? Reasons can vary from better efficiency, storage, security, newer features, etc. So, when you run a business, why should you not desire the same for the ML models you have built? ML modernization has become crucial to harness the full potential of ML technology, for organizations to stay competitive, make more informed decisions, and provide better user experience. Some of the reasons why it has become an impending need are:

  1. Adapting to the ever-growing and changing nature of data: ML models are fueled by data. Success in the implementation of AI and ML strategies can depend on your organization’s ability to harvest massive quantities of data from a large and disparate group of sources, i.e., your customers. However, the real difficulty lies in ensuring that the data collected is representative of your entire customer base. From the time you built your ML models, data must have grown enormously, and the nature of data being collected must have also changed drastically. Additionally, care must be exercised continuously so that there is no human bias creeping from your data. The selection criteria of data must be chosen wisely for feeding into ML models.
  2. Advancement and integration with new technologies: To improve the performance of ML models, one has to integrate them with the latest relevant technologies like edge computing, advancements in cloud computing, live streaming of data techniques, IoT, etc., to be able to operate in a distributed environment and gather data from newer sources.
  3. Cost optimization: Modernization can lead to cost optimization by reducing computational resource requirements, improving energy efficiency, or optimizing model architectures. By optimizing ML systems, businesses can achieve better results with fewer resources, resulting in cost savings.
  4. Adherence to regulatory compliances: Compliance with data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), becomes easier when ML systems are modernized. Incorporating privacy-enhancing techniques, anonymization methods, or secure data handling practices ensures compliance with legal and ethical requirements.

When is the right time for building ML models or ML modernization?

There is no perfect time to start your journey of building ML models. If you overanalyze whether your data is perfect or not, you will never be able to build ML models as these are continuous processes. Yes, the more data you feed your models, the better they will be. But you must get your models out of the door and into the real world at some point for them to begin delivering results. Beginning with the data you have available is better than not beginning at all. Data is a gold mine only when it is being used; otherwise, it will be useless. 

If you’re interested in building new ML models or modernizing your existing ones, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us today at [email protected] to start your ML modernization journey and unlock the full potential of AI and ML for your business. Happy gold mining!

As a data manager, you are perhaps aware of the crucial role that data plays in the success of your organization. Making sure that your data is accurate, relevant, and secure is a fundamental part of data management. To achieve this, data governance provides a framework for overseeing the data lifecycle, from its creation to its archiving. With data governance, you can maintain the quality of your data and ensure that it aligns with your organizational objectives.  

Unleashing the Power of Your Data: Why Data Governance Matters More Than Ever in Today’s Era: 

Data governance is the overall management of the availability, usability, integrity, and security of the data used in an organization. The process of data governance involves the formation of policies and procedures to ensure the safety of data throughout its lifecycle, from its creation to its deletion and archiving. It helps the organization to keep their data accurate, reliable, and secure by helping them to minimize the risk of data breaches, data loss, or data corruption, which can have severe consequences for the organization.   

The rise in data breach cases across the world has driven the demand for advanced technology to manage data more safely and in an efficient way. The graph below gives some statistical data on the number of data breach cases in the last few years.  

Data breach cases: 


In today’s era, data is a critical asset that organizations rely on to make informed decisions, gain insights into their operations, and drive business growth. However, as the volume, variety, and velocity of data continue to grow, the need for effective data governance has become more important than ever before. It is crucial in today’s time as it enables organizations to manage their data effectively, minimize risks, comply with regulations, and drive business growth through efficient and effective data management.  

Revolutionizing Data Governance: How AI is Transforming the Way We Manage Data 

The traditional method of data governance was a manual and time-consuming process that involved creating policies and procedures to ensure the safety of the data through its lifecycle. However, with the rise of artificial intelligence, organizations can automate these processes thereby saving time and resources while enhancing the quality and accuracy of their data.  

How can AI help organizations automate their data governance process? 

In today’s data-driven world, organizations are constantly seeking ways to maximize their productivity and extract the greatest value from their data. Artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a valuable resource that can help achieve these goals. It has the potential to transform the way organizations manage their data, offering unprecedented capabilities for automating key tasks and unlocking valuable insights. In this context, there are three key areas where AI can have a significant impact on effective data management in an organization.  



Staying Ahead of the Game: How AI is Helping Organizations Ensure Compliance with GDPR and CCPA Regulations 

With the growing amount of personal data being generated and collected by organizations, complying with data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) has become more crucial than ever. However, manual compliance efforts are time-consuming, very complex, and prone to error. This is where AI can come into play, offering a range of tools and capabilities to help organizations stay ahead of the game and ensure compliance with these important regulations.  

Here are some examples of companies using AI to ensure compliance with GDPR and CCPA regulations: 

  1. Microsoft: Microsoft has implemented an AI-powered tool called Compliance Manager that helps organizations manage their compliance with various regulations, including GDPR and CCPA. The tool uses machine learning algorithms to automate risk assessments, monitor compliance activities, and provide guidance on how to address compliance gaps. 
  2. Deloitte: Deloitte has developed an AI-powered solution called ConvergeHEALTH Safety that helps healthcare organizations ensure compliance with GDPR and other regulations related to patient data privacy. The solution uses natural language processing to analyse regulatory documents and provide recommendations on how to comply with them.  
  3. Salesforce: Salesforce has implemented an AI-powered tool called Einstein Discovery that helps organizations identify compliance risks related to GDPR and other regulations. The tool uses machine learning algorithms to analyze data and identify patterns and trends that could indicate potential compliance issues.  

Data governance is an essential aspect of modern business operations, and with the help of AI tools and technologies, businesses can take their data management practices to the next level. By implementing effective data governance policies and procedures, organizations can ensure the integrity, accuracy, and security of their data, minimize the risk of data breaches, and drive business growth through effective data management. By staying up to date with the latest technologies and trends, businesses can continue to unleash the power of their data and stay ahead of the competition.