May 13, 2024 | Case Study | 3 minutes

Implementing AI for Enhanced Tire Matching

Namratha Gowda

Scrum Master

Company Overview 

The Company is a large Indian tire manufacturer for passenger, commercial and off-road vehicles. With a legacy spanning over a century, the company has been at the forefront of introducing innovative technologies and producing high-quality tires for cars, trucks, and industrial equipment, serving a global market. 


Problem Statement 

The company faced challenges in enhancing the efficiency of its sales team due to the manual and time-consuming process of tire matching. To address this, it sought to implement an advanced search system that could leverage both internal and external data sources while complying with regulatory standards. The company planned a phased rollout for this system to minimize operational disruptions and allow for iterative updates. 



We developed a solution powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies, transforming the traditional manual tire matching process into an intelligent, automated system. This new system enhanced operational efficiency across the company’s sales divisions by improving the accuracy of tire searches. 

Key aspects of the solution included: 

  • Utilization of Comprehensive Data Sources: The system integrated data from internal sources, like inventory databases and customer preferences, with external insights from market trends and competitor analysis. This integration facilitated more precise tire recommendations. 
  • Iterative Development Approach: Beginning with a Proof of Concept (PoC), the company adopted an iterative development strategy. This approach allowed for continuous system refinement based on real-time feedback, aligning the tool with changing business and technology landscapes. 
  • Technology Integration: The development team utilized Python for data analysis and model development. This choice supported the integration of sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques, which were crucial for the system’s success. Additionally, incorporating Python into the company’s DevOps practices enhanced system deployment and maintenance, fostering better collaboration among teams. 



The implementation of this AI-powered tire matching system yielded significant benefits: 

  • Enhanced Sales Efficiency: The automation of the tire recommendation process streamlined workflows, freeing up the sales team to focus more on customer engagement and closing deals. 
  • Improved Matching Accuracy: The AI-driven system provided tailored tire recommendations that met individual customer needs with higher precision, thereby increasing customer satisfaction and retention. 
  • Scalable AI/ML Framework: The project laid the groundwork for ongoing innovation, enabling the company to swiftly adapt to market shifts and maintain its competitive edge. 



By integrating AI and ML technologies, the tire company significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of its sales operations. This transformation not only bolstered current sales performance but also equipped the company to navigate future market dynamics effectively. The case demonstrates the transformative potential of AI and ML in refining business processes and sustaining long-term growth in the automotive industry.