Application Portfolio assessment

Our expertise in helping enterprises modernize their business application landscape is grounded in a comprehensive and strategic approach that ensures alignment with the evolving demands of digital transformation. Here is how we guide organizations through this critical process: 

As-Is Application Portfolio Assessment 

We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of the current application portfolio, considering various dimensions such as technology stack, business criticality, number of users, application age, performance stability, and the cost of maintenance and operations. This multi-dimensional analysis helps in understanding the applications' impact on business operations and their alignment with current and future business needs. 

Target Application Landscape & Technology Architecture Planning 

Based on the initial assessment, we develop a targeted digital infrastructure plan and roadmap for application modernization. This plan includes strategies for retiring outdated systems, re-hosting applications to more efficient platforms, re-architecting for scalability and flexibility, or consolidating and redeveloping to reduce complexity. We also assist in selecting the appropriate cloud providers and services, ensuring that the chosen infrastructure supports the unique needs of the business effectively. 

Managing the Technology Modernization 

Our role extends beyond planning and assessment into the active management of technology modernization. We help enterprises adopt a new IT model that optimizes core technologies to create superior digital products, services, and experiences. This involves helping CIOs and IT leaders to adopt and integrate innovative solutions into their business operations smoothly. 

We also define precise technology architecture standards and application guidelines that are necessary for building a resilient and scalable digital infrastructure. Additionally, we promote an Agile delivery culture, encouraging the integration of IT and business teams to adopt and practice agile methodologies. This approach not only speeds up the modernization process but also enhances responsiveness to market changes and business demands. 

Through these efforts, we ensure that enterprises not only modernize their application landscapes but also transform their operational models to be more agile, customer-centric, and competitive in the digital age.